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Rational nutrition

Rational nutrition — sufficient in quantity and complete in terms of quality of nutrition; physiologically complete nutrition of healthy people, taking into account their age, gender, nature of work and other factors. Rational nutrition is the basis of health and contributes to increasing healthy life expectancy.


The concept of rational nutrition

Rational nutrition is nutrition that satisfies the energy, plastic and other needs of the body and ensures the necessary level of metabolism.

Requirements for rational nutrition consist of requirements for:

  • Food quality
  • Food mode.
  • Eating conditions.

Principles of rational nutrition

A balance must be maintained between the energy supplied with food and the energy expenditure of a person in the process of vital activity (energy balance). The energy costs of luidin include energy costs:

to support the main physiological functions of the body at rest (main metabolism);on digestion, absorption, transport and assimilation of nutrients (specific dynamic action of food)

for physical activity — work allowanceto maintain a stable body temperature

Nutrition should be balanced in terms of all nutrients, and nutrients should be in a certain ratio (proteins: lipids: carbohydrates = 1:1:4).


Nutrients are components of food that are used by the body as a source of plastic materials, energy, and catalysts. They are divided into 2 groups:

     macronutrients — proteins, fats (lipids), carbohydrates;

     trace elements (required in quantities less than 1 g per day) — vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients.


In addition, nutrients are divided into:

 substitutes – can be synthesized in the body from other substances (fats – from carbohydrates, carbohydrates – from amino acids, some amino acids – from other amino acids and carbohydrates);

 irreplaceable — are not synthesized in the body and must come with food (water, almost all vitamins, trace elements, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and phytonutrients).