Recommended duration of sleep:
For adults 7-9 hours
For teenagers aged 13-18, 8-10 hours
For children 6-12 years old, 9-12 hours
For children 3-5 years old, 10-13 hours
For children 1-2 years old, 11-14 hours
Babies 4-12 months 12-16 hours
Newborns 0-12 months 14-17 hours
Quality and sufficient sleep is the basis of health.
Top tips for improving sleep:
Sleep in complete darkness. Even a very dim light in the room during sleep can impair the quality of sleep. It is natural to sleep in complete darkness, so at night you should turn off any light equipment.
Sleep with access to fresh air, at a temperature of 18-22 degrees Celsius, keeping your feet warm.
After sunset and, especially, a few hours before bedtime, avoid the blue spectrum of light (screens, monitors, phone, “cold” light from lamps), which is naturally present only in the first half of the day of sunlight. It is especially important not to turn on lights or look at device screens in the middle of the night. If you need to use light at night, it is advisable to use dim red lamps and blue spectrum filters on the screens of electronic devices.
Avoid late dinner. Avoid waking up at night. Drinking a glass of water immediately after waking up and getting as much sunlight as possible into your eyes and skin in the first hour will energize you for the day.